the pace academy motion lab
High fidelity motion analysis is the backbone of our understanding of effective and efficient running mechanics, and injuries resulting from pathological gait manifestations. The Pace Academy has one of the most comprehensive running motion labs in the world, complete with 3D motion analysis, pressure plate data built into the high speed treadmill, 3D spinal modeling - with accuracy up to 2 degrees of motion in all three planes for each vertebral segment - and surface EMG to map and measure muscle activity. All elements of the motion lab are fully integrated, allowing us to analyze all aspects of running at any one moment during the gait cycle.
The Pace Academy Motion Lab lives in the most iconic track and field facility in the world, Hayward Field in Eugene, Oregon.

the pace academy
Motion lab
Hayward Field, Eugene, Oregon
All of our courses leverage the insights we’ve gathered from hundreds of running assessments, across recreational and professional runners in our world class biomechanics lab.
The Pace Academy Motion Lab
Slow Motion Video Analysis
High speed cameras measure absolute joint angles throughout the body throughout the entire running cycle.
3D Spinal Modeling
Accuracy up to 2 degrees of motion in all three planes for each vertebral segment.
Pressure Plate Data
Under-foot real time pressure mapping to help understand load distribution throughout all phases of gait.
Surface EMG
Measures muscle activity at any running speed, up to world record 800m pace.